The Slaves of New York Read online

Page 10

  'Oh yes... yes...' she cried, throwing her head back and thrusting her pelvis against the post one last time, forcing the dildo an extra millimetre deeper as her body locked, every muscle rigid, her fingers clawing at the post like talons.

  'Anything else?' Freddie broke the electric silence, apparently unmoved by the spectacle. He nodded to Debbie, who pulled the girl to her feet, removed the dildo and chained her arm behind her back again.

  Kim felt her heart miss a beat as Freddie walked up to her. If he asked her to do what the blonde had done she was going to have to refuse. She just couldn't bring herself to do it.

  'Number four,' he said into the phone. He listened for what seemed to Kim to be an inordinately long time, then beckoned Debbie over to his side. He said something to her that Kim could not hear.

  Debbie mounted the rostrum. Instead of unlocking one of the metal cuffs from Kim's wrist, as she had done with the other two girls, she actually unclipped them from the metal ring, leaving Kim's arms bound behind her back. She then left her standing there and collected one of the chairs from the other side of the room, bringing it back and placing it on the rostrum. Debbie then sat on the chair.

  'Over my knee,' she said.

  Kim felt a wave of relief. Whatever the masters had ordered, it was not masturbation.

  With her arms bound behind her back it was difficult to balance, but Kim managed to drape herself over the smaller girl's lap, her stretched buttocks tightly coated in shiny latex, pointing up towards the girls face.

  She felt the girl's hand spreading the cheeks of her bottom apart, the camera no doubt focussing on the view of her sex that this would provide. Kim was glad she had taken Audrey's advice and shaved. If Jake Ashley was watching the picture the video camera was relaying he would, she hoped, be pleased.

  'All right,' Freddie said. 'Begin.'

  Before Kim realised what was happening Debbie raised her hand and brought it down hard on her right buttock, the smack reverberating around the room. It took Kim by surprise and she couldn't suppress a yelp of pain.


  A second blow made Kim's left buttock quiver, the stinging pain making her gasp again. She strained to look across at Audrey sitting no more than ten feet away, and saw her raise a single finger to her lips to indicate that she should be silent.




  For such a slender girl Debbie was surprisingly powerful, and each blow stung Kim and made her whole body shudder. But the pain did not last long. Already she felt a familiar heat building in her bottom; a heat that radiated inwards to her sex, making it churn. All the sensations she'd felt at the club two days before began to awaken, her clitoris, trapped tightly between her labia, pulsing strongly.




  Debbie alternated the strokes, sharing them out fairly between each buttock. The area of Kim's bottom that was not coated in latex had turned a rosy red, and though the marks the whip had left had faded, they had not entirely disappeared, and it was these that not only prickled the most painfully but, at the other end of the spectrum, seemed to throb with the most intense pleasure too. She found herself trying to rub her mons against Debbie's thigh.

  'Is that enough?' she heard Freddie say into the phone.

  Apparently it was not.




  Then suddenly Debbie's hand was smoothing against the reddened, overheated flesh; caressing it, soothing it, testing the contrast in textures between the exposed flesh and the latex coated area. Kim moaned, wallowing in this new sensation. The girl's hand worked down between her thighs, her fingers slipping into the sticky wet trough of her sex. Kim wriggled her labia against them. She wondered if this was Jake Ashley's doing, whether it was he who had ordered her to be spanked and then caressed in this way. She found herself hoping earnestly that it was.

  'Go on,' Freddie said, intruding on her thoughts, 'get on with it.'

  Debbie pushed her fingers downward, until they were nudging against Kim's clitoris. Another gasp escaped Kim's lips before she could stop it.

  Debbie reached one hand down by her knee and gripped Kim's left breast, kneading it, then pinching the nipple exactly at the moment she slid two fingers into Kim's slippery wet cunt.

  Kim felt a surge of sensation. The girl's fingers twisted around inside her, trying to screw deeper, provoking a myriad of sensations in the process. The spanking had sensitised every nerve in her sex and they were responding with vigour. As Debbie pinched her nipple for a second time Kim felt her sex clench tightly, and another jolt of pleasure erupted. She was coming now, and there was no way she could stop herself.

  All eyes were turned to her, their attention rapt. She tried to ease her legs apart, wanting the camera to see her sex as she came. Was Jake Ashley watching? She liked to think she had come here and allowed herself to be used like this for professional reasons. But she knew that was only a shadow of the truth. Jake Ashley was the real reason she was here, not for her story, but to explore the extraordinary gift he had given her, the gift of sexual self-awareness. She wanted her story - but she wanted this more.

  Debbie's fingers were artful. The two inside her stroked the tight tube of her vagina while another seemed to be touching the most sensitive spot on her clitoris and rubbing almost imperceptibly against it. Kim wanted to push the girl back onto the floor and kiss her. She wanted to drive the double-shafted dildo into her body, to fuck her with it then push her mouth down to her sex, though she knew she dare not do any of these things. Her body quivered, her clit spasmed and her orgasm gushed over her. In the midst of it all, in the vortex of feelings that overtook her, she could see herself, as if from above, splayed out over the girl's lap, with the camera and twenty pairs of eyes trained on her latex-coated body, her back and her sex exposed. That image gave the final twist to the long spiral of pleasure.

  'Next,' Freddie said casually.

  Debbie pulled a limp Kim to her feet. Quickly she clipped the handcuffs back to the post. Kim was glad of its support, her orgasm leaving her faint and breathless. She glanced over at Audrey, who clapped her hands together, lightly miming her approval.

  The girl to Kim's right, like the girl at the club, had her labia pierced, and a chain ran from the gold ring implanted there to her nose, where her left nostril was pierced with a small gold ring. The chain, which was as heavy as a dog leash, was not tight, with enough play in it to loop down between her legs. She was wearing a bright red PVC body, very like the one Candy had worn at the club. Like Candy's it was crotchless, but it also had large cut-outs for her buttocks and breasts, which poked through the material obscenely. She had the air of having done all this before.

  Neither her or the next girl, who wore a white chiffon slip over a white satin, quarter cup bra, and white stockings clipped to a satin suspender belt, were required to do anything by the masters, and Freddie moved down the line.

  'Now the men,' he said, his eyes staring at them with much more of a glint than he'd had with the girls. 'Any requests?' he said into the phone. Again he listened.

  Kim was too far away to hear what he said to Debbie, but the girl climbed onto the rostrum of the first man and took his cock in her hand. As casually as if she were shelling peas she pulled his foreskin back and wanked him until he was erect. Then she took a coil of white ribbon from the pocket of her dress and quickly wound it around the base of his shaft and under his balls, pulling it tight and knotting it. She then wound the ribbon all the way up the shaft, circling it over and over again until only his glans was exposed. She tied the ribbon in a little blow just under the ridge at the base of his glans. She licked the palm of her hand, coating it with saliva, then smeared this over the man's helmet so it was glistening.

  'Next one,' Freddie called out. He moved to the last rostrum, then a broad grin spread over his podgy face as he listened to the phone. This time he stepped onto the rost
rum. 'Quite a pretty boy,' he said. He stroked the man's rather lean chest, then he cruelly pinched his left nipple, using his fingernails. The man winced. 'Sensitive little flower,' he said pensively.

  His hand delved lowered. He picked up the man's flaccid cock and slapped it back against the man's naked thigh two or three times. The cock began to grow. Kim heard the whirr of the motors that controlled the cameras.

  Freddie made a fist and slipped it around the man's cock. He wanked it, then slapped it spitefully. 'Anything else?' he said. There was an undoubted note of hope in his voice, and his face fell visibly when it was obvious that the masters' interest had peaked.

  'Well, ladies and gentleman,' he announced to the watching audience, 'that concludes the entertainment for this evening. If you would all like to return to the sitting room the results will be known in the next fifteen minutes. Then we can serve dinner.'

  The audience immediately began to file out. Freddie and Debbie followed. The man on the technical console for the cameras closed down his equipment and left the room too, leaving the eight prospective slaves still chained to the circular posts, unable to do anything but stand there and wait.

  'Have you done this before?' the blonde to Kim's left whispered. Debbie had not replaced the white rubber tube dress and it was banded around her waist.

  'Um, no,' Kim replied, her mind racing. 'Have you?'

  'No, never. It's fantastic though, isn't it? I've never been so turned on. All those people looking at me. I don't think I've ever come like that.' She shook her shoulders dreamily, making her tits wobble. 'I can still feel it. If I could get my hands on my clit I could make myself come again.'

  Kim did not reply, but what the girl said was true for her too. Her whole being was still vibrating to the strains of her orgasm.

  'What about you?' the bubbly blonde said, nodding towards the girl to her left. 'Is this your first time?'

  'We shouldn't be talking,' the girl replied.

  'No one's listening.'

  'I've been with one master. This is my second auction.'

  'Hey, that's great. What was it like? Did he fuck you crazy all the time?'

  'It was a woman.'

  'Even better. I'm really into all that lesbian shit. I love it all, as a matter of fact.'

  Kim could quite believe that.

  'God!' the blonde went on, 'I wish they'd get a move on and make their minds up. I'm so turned on it's driving me up the wall.' She rubbed her buttocks against the post. 'So what's it like being a real slave?'

  'Like nothing you've ever felt before.'

  'Did you meet Ashley?'

  'Yes. Once. He came to visit.'


  'Have you read his books?'

  'Of course.'

  'He was like that - like the master in the books. Exactly like the master in the books.'

  'Must have been one hell of a turn on then,' the blonde suggested.

  'Shut up, someone's coming.'

  They all heard footsteps coming down the hall. The door of the gymnasium opened and Debbie walked in. She had changed her clothes and was wearing a tight red leather jump-suit, cinched around her waist with a wide black belt. A riding crop was tucked under one arm and she carried a small nylon holdall. Two men, one of them the man who had operated the cameras, trooped into the room behind her.

  Without a word she stopped in front of the rostrum where the blonde was standing.

  'Her,' she said to the men, her eyes fixed on the beauty in white rubber.

  Kim's heart sunk, but then Debbie moved on. 'And her,' she said, pointing to Kim.

  She stepped up onto the rostrum and pulled a rubber ball gag out of the bag. 'Open your mouth, sweetie,' she said.

  Kim obediently did as she was told and the girl stuffed the rubber ball between her lips. She had never been gagged before and tried to protest, but the large sphere made it impossible to form even the simplest of words. Debbie moved behind her and quickly strapped the gag in place, forcing it even deeper into Kim's mouth.

  Glancing to her left Kim saw that the blonde had received the same treatment from one of the men. Then he took a black velvet bag and pulled it down over her head, closing it beneath her chin with a drawstring. Just as Kim saw him doing this she realised Debbie was pulling an identical bag down over her head. She was plunged into darkness.

  The experience was surprisingly familiar. The slaves in Jake Ashley's books were frequently gagged and blindfold. She'd read about the emotions they experienced in this situation avidly; what they felt; the way being deprived of one sense seemed to increase the sensitivity of all the others; the isolation; the inability to communicate even the simplest of words - all this had excited her. But the reality, the total blackness in which she was cocooned, the actual feeling of the tight strap that held the gag in place, and the black rubber ball that forced her lips so wide apart, was a hundred times more arousing.

  She started as she felt hands pushing her forward. There was a clink of metal as the handcuffs were unclipped from the post. Something cold was wound around her ankles and tightened - a thick leather belt, she thought. Another wrapped around her legs just above her knees, then a third, around her waist and back trapping her arms against her spine, binding her into a tight package. She could not move an inch.

  'All right, take her to the car.' Debbie's voice sounded muffled.

  Kim felt a shoulder lean against her waist and she was suddenly hoisted into the air, her body bent in two, strong hands holding her legs. She felt a thump as the man stepped down from the rostrum. He carried her out of the room.

  She estimated it was no more than a few yards before she heard a door creaking open and felt the wind on her body. The man lowered her onto her stomach on what felt like the floor of a car, the soft carpeting not disguising the cold hard metal underneath. The very distinct noise of a car door being slammed confirmed her impression.

  She lay still, her heart racing. She could hear the wind blowing against the side of the vehicle, rocking it, and the noise of the breakers pounding against the shore.

  She was so tightly bound she could hardly move, but she managed to wriggle onto her side, which was a little more comfortable than lying face down. The car seemed spacious, for though she could feel a seat at the back of her there seemed to be nothing immediately in front.

  She wondered if the blonde was going to be coming with her. Or was she going to a different master?

  And what about her? Audrey had said she'd spoken to Jake personally, but suppose he hadn't bid for her. What if she was being taken to someone else? What would she do then? If she were kept in this sort of bondage it might be a long time before she could escape.

  Why hadn't she thought of that before? Audrey seemed to be so confident she would end up with Jake that she allowed herself to go along with it - but now she wasn't so sure.

  Being tied up so tightly and gagged and blindfolded had excited her. From the moment she'd been handcuffed to the post in the gymnasium her whole body had been tingling with arousal. But the idea that she might not be on her way to Jake Ashley poured freezing cold water on that. She had let her desire to explore her sexual feelings overcome her common sense. She had been a fool.

  She writhed against the leather straps and tried to cry out, but knew it was hopeless. It was too late to do anything now. She'd been reduced to a neat little package, ready for delivery to whoever had paid the price. After all, she had agreed to take part in the auction of her own free will, and had let herself be bound and gagged. She was just going to have to live with the consequences of that folly.

  The car door opened. She heard the key being turned in the ignition and the engine springing to life.

  Desperately she struggled to sit up, trying to tell the driver that she had changed her mind. But she could not pronounce a single word and as the car wheeled around in the driveway she was tossed back to the floor.

  'Settle down,' a male voice said gruffly. 'We've got a long way to go.'

nbsp; Chapter Six

  It was a long drive. Kim was sure she counted at least three bridges; the heavy tyres ramping on the metal structures. After that the car twisted and turned and stopped frequently for about an hour before finally getting on to what she imagined was some sort of freeway, where no cornering was required. The car's speed increased and the noise of the tyres levelled out, its forward progress unimpeded.

  The car was obviously some sort of limousine as it was whisper quiet, with soft soporific suspension and, despite the discomfort of the bondage, Kim fell asleep.

  She was woken with a start by the car door slamming. A moment later she felt cold air rushing in. Hands grabbed the leather straps and pulled her up and out of the vehicle. This time she was lifted by two people, one holding her ankles and the other her shoulders. She heard gravel crunching under their shoes, and a female voice say, 'In here.'

  The temperature changed. She felt the warmth of a house and heard a door being closed. The noise of the feet was deadened by carpet. Her body was tilted as they descended a staircase.

  'In here,' the voice said again.

  Kim felt herself being lowered onto some sort of mattress.

  'She's a looker,' the female said. Kim's heart sunk. Some of the masters were women. Had she been sold to one of them?

  'Sure is. Had trouble keeping my hands off her.'

  'You know what would happen if you did.'

  'Don't worry, ma'am. I was only kidding. I want to keep my job.'

  A door closed and there was silence. Kim listened intently, trying to hear anything that might give a clue as to where she was. It was clear that she was in the basement of some building. She sniffed the air, but apart from a vague hint of perfume, she could smell nothing.

  Almost immediately, the door opened again.

  'She's in here.' It was the same woman.

  She stiffened as she felt a hand touching her thigh. It moved up to her breast and pinched the latex-coated nipple.

  'Never seen this stuff before,' the woman said.

  The fact that she was blindfolded did seem to have sharpened Kim's other senses, and she thought she smelt a strong musky cologne that was very definitely masculine.