The Slaves of New York Read online

Page 12

  They were marched up to the ground floor and around to the main entrance hall. Then they were led up a sweeping staircase to a galleried first floor landing. Marsha took them along the landing to a pair of elaborately panelled double doors.

  'Wait here,' she said.

  She rapped twice on one of the doors then walked away, her leather trousers whispering seductively as she did so.

  The man looked at Kim as though he was about to say something, but he clearly changed his mind. Instead, he bowed his head and stared at the floor. Kim decided she should do the same.

  From inside the room she thought she heard a distinct moan. It was followed by a much louder cry.

  One of the doors opened.

  'In,' someone order sharply.

  She recognised the cologne she had smelt last night... and she recognised Jake Ashley too.

  He looked exactly as he did in the photograph on the jacket of his books. He was of medium height with thick black curly hair, piercing steel-blue eyes, a straight nose, bushy eyebrows and a very square chin. It was difficult to guess his age, but she thought he must be at least forty-five. His expression suggested a wry intelligence.

  'My dear, how charming to meet you properly at last,' he said to Kim, and therein came her first big surprise; Jake Ashley's accent was clearly of English origin. Nowhere in all the research she'd done on him had anyone mentioned that fact. 'I'm sorry I had so little time for you last night.'

  He closed the door behind them. Her second surprise was kneeling on all fours on the bed. It was Nina Berry, her head down between her arms, her long black hair trailing down to the black silk sheet that covered the mattress. She looked smaller and slightly thinner than she appeared on the screen, but there was no doubt it was her. She was completely naked with her legs wide open and a large pink dildo protruding from her sex. Above it a slightly smaller one stuck out from her anus. Both dildos were vibrating.

  The room was large and luxurious; the huge double bed the focal-point. The walls were lined with cream-coloured silk, and there were two large windows draped with elaborately flounced white curtains. There was a large oatmeal-coloured sofa facing the foot of the bed.

  'This is Adam, and this pretty little thing is Kim...' Jake Ashley casually introduced the woman on the bed to the two newcomers, '...another English import, so I'm told.'

  Nina pulled the larger of the two dildos from her pussy. She looked up at the two new arrivals.

  'Haven't you forgotten something?' Jake Ashley was also looking at them. Immediately the male slave fell to his knees. Without being able to use his arms for balance he thumped down heavily on the carpet.

  Ashley stared at Kim. She remembered what Marsha had told her about kneeling, but she was so mesmerised by at last being in Jake Ashley's presence that her mind seemed unable to communicate with her body. She could not tear her eyes away from his face; his deep blue eyes like staring into the depths of an ocean. Everything he had created, all the wild sexual imagery that had plagued her since she first picked up one of his books, seemed to be crystallised there. She felt her sex pulse violently and realised she was actually trembling.

  Jake Ashley had certainly used his own image to describe the master he had portrayed in his books. He was tall, his physical presence as imposing as his mental presence. He was wearing a dark blue silk robe, and Kim lowered her gaze to the carpet and felt her cheeks glow as she noticed a bulge tenting the front of it.

  'What's the matter, child?' he said quietly. He touched her shoulder with such tenderness that Kim had a sudden and unaccountable desire to cry. She tried to think of something to say, but her emotions were too confused. She didn't think she'd ever had such a strong sexual response to a man in her life - but it wasn't only sexual. He had an almost hypnotic effect on her, her whole being possessed by him.

  'I'm sorry,' she managed to mumble. She struggled to control herself, and sank submissively to her knees.

  'Good,' he said.

  'Adam, get over here - I need a good plating,' Nina said coarsely.

  Kim had no idea what that meant, but apparently the male slave did. He crawled over to the bed, then climbed up onto it rather awkwardly. Positioning himself behind her, he dipped his head and pressed his mouth to the still open maw of her vagina, the juices running from it like a sticky sap. Nina moaned loudly and wriggled her hips, smearing her sex across his face, one hand holding the dildo in her arse. Kim saw him working his tongue against the fourchette at the top of her labia.

  Nina pulled away. It was no wonder she'd become so successful in the movies; she was absolutely beautiful, with eyes so dark brown they were almost black, high cheekbones and a soft, sensual mouth. Her flesh, no doubt mollycoddled and pampered by expensive beauty treatments, was as smooth as the finest silk, her body lithe and supple. Her breasts were not large but had shape and substance, with dark red nipples surrounded by small areolae puckered with tiny papillae. Her pubic hair was jet black but sparse, and hid little of her labia.

  'On your back,' she said, pushing Adam so he rolled over. Almost before he had settled she swung her thigh over his shoulders and planted her sex firmly on his mouth again, spreading her knees apart so it was flattened against him, the smaller dildo still embedded in her anus.

  'Get your fingers in there,' she said.

  Kim saw Adam straining his hands against the white rope that bound them to the collar. He managed to get two and then three fingers deep into the sticky tube of her sex. Nina moaned loudly again.

  Jake Ashley opened his robe. Kim had read a description of this erection so many times in his books that it seemed familiar to her. He was circumcised, with a smooth bulbous glans the circumference of which was slightly larger than the shaft that supported it. The shaft itself was gnarled with veins, like ivy wrapped around the trunk of a tree. Kim could see his loose scrotum hanging down, his balls large and heavy.

  Without a word he hooked his hand around the back of Kim's head and pulled her forward until her lips were pressed against the tip of his cock. She obediently opened her mouth and swallowed him. His erection was rock hard. She ran her tongue around the ridge at the bottom of his glans, then pushed forward until he was right at the back of her throat, the position of her hands making it easy for her to cup his scrotum as she sucked on his phallus.

  'Is she good at that?' Nina asked.

  'Not bad. So how about we give them a work out?'

  'Why not?'

  Jake held Kim's face in both hands, caressed her cheeks for a moment, then pulled his cock away. It was glistening with saliva. He went to a large mahogany chest of drawers and picked up a leather tawse, its tail split into two. At the same time Nina clambered off Adam and pulled the dildo from her perspiring body.

  'Here,' Jake said. 'Take this.' He walked back to Kim and held the leather tawse out in front her. Kim didn't understand. She looked up at him dumbly.

  'Take it,' he snapped. 'Don't make me have to say anything twice.'

  Kim took the tawse, holding it awkwardly under her chin.

  'Get up,' Jake said.

  Kim struggled to her feet, the height of the heels making it difficult. Jake unknotted the rope that held her wrists to the collar. As her arms fell to her sides she felt a pang of cramp.

  Nina tapped Adam on the thigh. 'Roll over,' she ordered. He obeyed instantly. He had muscular buttocks. 'Nice buns,' Nina purred. 'Come over here and warm them up for him, sweet thing,' she said, turning her gaze to Kim.

  'I...' Kim was beginning to find the whole scene rather confusing.

  'You mustn't refuse to do anything you're told, under any circumstances,' Jake said quietly. 'You're to use that on him.' He nodded at the tawse.

  'I...' Kim stopped herself from saying anything else. After the whipping she had received at the club she was quite expecting similar treatment at Jake's hands. But she definitely had not expected to be administering the whipping.

  Nina hopped off the bed. She moved to Kim and cupped her left breast, squ
eezing it not at all gently. She moved behind her and flattened her naked body into Kim's back, writhing from side to side, the black satin rasping against her flesh. She sucked on Kim's shoulder, making her shudder. 'Do it,' she whispered in her ear, pushing her forward.

  Kim stepped over to the bed. 'I don't know what to do,' she said weakly, though she knew she should have remained silent.

  'Six strokes on his backside,' Jake said, with a note of irritation in his voice.

  Kim saw that she had no choice. Her adventure would end right here if she didn't obey. She raised her arm and slashed the tawse down across Adam's buttocks. The blow glanced off harmlessly.

  'No, much harder than that,' Nina snapped. She grabbed the tawse from Kim's hand and cut it down across his arse. There was a loud thwack. Adam grunted, trying to suppress the sound by burying his mouth in the sheet. 'Like that,' Nina said, handing the tawse back.

  Kim raised the leather again. This time she used her full strength to lash it down across his buttocks. There was another loud thwack and the firm muscle vibrated.

  'Much better,' Jake said. He caught hold of Nina and pulled her into his arms, kissing her fully on the mouth. Kim was not sure whether she should stop or wait until their embrace had ended. 'Get on with it,' Jake answered her unspoken question, breaking the kiss for a moment.

  Thwack! Adam grunted again.

  Thwack! The sound seemed to reverberate around the room. The funny thing was that Kim remembered exactly how she had felt as the whip had landed on her flesh, and her body was reacting now as if it were her and not the prone man lying on the bed, that was receiving this treatment. Her buttocks were tingling and her clitoris was pulsing just as they had at the club.

  She looked back at Jake and Nina, who were still entwined in each other's arms, Jake's left hand caressing her buttocks.

  'Go on,' he said, pulling away from the brunette again.

  Thwack! Kim landed the tawse on the meat of Adam's buttocks. His whole arse was already a bright red with little thin lines that had turned almost scarlet.

  Thwack! The impact on his body was matched by the impact on her own. Deep inside her sex each stroke had produced a sharp contraction. She hesitated, not knowing whether the first stroke she'd muffed counted towards the total.

  'One more,' Jake said, again seeming to read her thoughts.

  Kim raised the tawse again, not at all reluctantly this time. She slashed it down, watching his flesh vibrate and feeling her sex contract so powerfully she gave a little gasp of delight.

  The exclamation was not missed by Nina. 'It's all right,' she said, sidling over to Kim's side. 'It has the same effect on all of us. Masochism and sadism are two sides of the same coin. Flip it and this is what you get.' She snatched the tawse and slapped it down hard against Kim's bottom. Kim squealed, but the woman had proved her point; the excitement the slap caused was just as acute as the feelings she'd felt only a few seconds before when administering a beating.

  'Put your hands out in front of you,' Jake said. He'd gone back to the chest of drawers and taken out a pair of heavily padded leather cuffs. As Kim presented her hands he wrapped the cuffs around her wrists and strapped them on securely.

  'She has got a lovely arse,' Nina said, stroking Kim's buttocks.

  'Over here,' Jake said.

  He was pointing to a spot by the wall on the other side of the bedside chest. There was a brass hook hanging from a short thick lever that projected from a vertical slit in the wall. The arm was positioned at the base of the slit, at just above head height.

  Jake pulled Kim's wrists up, fastening the sturdy central link of the cuffs onto the hook, so her arms were held above her head. He operated a small switch on the bedside chest and, with a whirring of electric motors the arm began to move up, pulling Kim's wrists with it. Jake did not stop its progress until she was stretched on tiptoe.

  'All right, Adam,' Jake said, smiling confidently. 'It's her turn now.'

  Adam got to his feet. He had a large erection, though his foreskin was still stretched tautly over his glans. Nina handed him the tawse. 'Does it hurt?' she asked, spitefully smoothing a hand over his buttocks so vigorously it made him wince. She took hold of his cock and jerked the foreskin back, then rubbed a fingertip across the tip of it, making the turgid stalk twitch. She drew him closer, wrapped her arms around his back, then closed her legs around his phallus, trapping it between her thighs and rubbing them together. 'Can you feel how hot and wet I am?' she breathed.

  'Y-yes, mistress,' he blurted.

  She stepped back, unknotted the white rope from his wrists and pushed him towards Kim.

  Without any hesitation Adam raised the leather strap. He swung it down onto Kim's buttocks with all his power. She felt a line of fire erupt across her poor bottom, just as she had at the club. But then she hadn't known what her reaction would be. Now she knew exactly what to expect. What is more, her body was already primed and ready. The fiercely burning pain turned in less than seconds to a pleasure so intense she felt her sex clench and her clitoris squirm. He struck again, and was not going easy on her. Perhaps the pain she'd inflicted on him made him that much more determined. But however hard he hit her, the pain was followed by an equal and opposite sensation of ferocious pleasure. Her buttocks were alight now, the heat they were generating radiating through her body. She was trembling from head to toe, her nipples and her breasts, her belly and the soft tissue of her labia, all stinging with raw sensitivity. The steady beating continued relentlessly. The position of her arms made her shoulders and back ache, and every stroke put more pressure on them as she was knocked off her feet, hanging from the hook, until she could stretch her leg out again and get a toe to the floor. But the pain and discomfort only increased her excitement.

  'That's enough,' Jake eventually ordered.

  Adam stopped immediately.

  'I like this one,' Nina cooed. 'Is she new?' She sidled close to Kim and hooked a finger into the leather collar, pulling her head back with it so she could stare into her eyes.

  'Very new,' Jake confirmed.

  'And how long have you got her for?'

  'The usual six months. If you get a place of your own you can bid for her at the next auction.'

  'Has she been with a woman?' Nina's dark eyes were smouldering as she spoke.

  'She has been with women, so I gather. But this is her first time in the system. Audrey suggested her. Do you remember Audrey?'

  'Not really.' Nina was obviously too interested in the trussed girl to bother about trivialities. She leant forward and planted her lips upon Kim's, while snaking a hand down her back and over her curvaceous buttocks. Kim gasped as the fingers played over the tender flesh. 'She's such a sensitive little thing,' Nina sighed, her soft lips still lightly touching Kim's. 'She's not hardened like some of your bitches.'

  'I thought you wanted to watch,' said Jake, ignoring the dig.

  'I do.' With evident reluctance she broke away from the girl, opened a drawer of the bedside chest, and took out a little foil-wrapped packet. Kim strained to watch as she tore the packet open, beckoned Adam forward with a finger, then rolled the condom over his erection. The cream rubber was much thicker than usual versions, and made his phallus appear smooth and uniform.

  'Fuck her, Adam,' Jake said simply and casually.

  The male slave stepped forward eagerly and gripped Kim's hips from behind. She felt his erection nudging between the cleft of her buttocks. Every sexual experience she'd had since she arrived in New York had been bizarre, but this surely was the most extraordinary. That didn't mean it was any less exciting. As Adam's cock slid down between her wet labia she felt a huge surge of arousal. The whipping had created a gigantic need that was about to be satisfied.

  Adam bucked his hips, directing his cock to the mouth of her vagina. It nestled into the opening, then thrust forcefully inside, so forcefully that Kim was knocked off her feet again, face and breasts squashed up against the wall, his cock buried in her so deeply she co
uld feel his balls nudging between her thighs. Her sex spasmed, clenching around the rigid invader like a vice.

  He didn't pause. He began working his hips furiously, pounding in and out of her like a power hammer, his fingers clawing at her hips, pulling her back onto him as he thrust forward.

  Kim began to moan. His cock was hard and hot, and much more slippery than it would have been had it not been coated in rubber. She could feel her own juices running down the prophylactic. Every forward stroke was knocking her off her feet just like the tawse had done, so she was hanging from her wrists. But though this created waves of pain in her shoulders, it also created waves of indescribable pleasure too. His belly thrusting against her reddened bottom was having exactly the same effect. She knew she was going to come and there was nothing she could do to stop herself; the feelings were simply overwhelming. She felt her clit spasm and a jolt like an electric shock coursed through her body. She went rigid, her head thrown back, her eyes shut tightly.

  'That's enough,' Jake said, a note of satisfaction in his voice.

  Adam stopped at once and pulled away, Kim whimpering as his cock was withdrawn. She opened her moistened eyes and managed to get the toes of the high heels back on the floor, the relief this brought to her tortured shoulders and arms almost as great a pleasure as the climax she'd just had.

  'Get over here.' Jake's voice again. Kim raised her weary head. He was lying on the bed with his legs spread apart, with Nina kneeling at his side. She was holding the small dildo that had been buried in her anus, and coating it with some oily cream from a glass jar. Satisfied that it was well lubricated she moved it down between Jake's legs, and pressed it into the little puckered crater of his arse. She straddled his hips, using her other hand to grasp his cock and direct that into the sticky wet mouth of her vagina. Then, very slowly she allowed herself to sink down on him, and at exactly the same time and with the same pace, pushed the dildo into his anus.