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The Slaves of New York Page 7

  The blond master came up behind her. He grasped the dildo that was still hanging down between her legs and inserted it into the mouth of her vagina. The camera closed in, lingering on the intimate details as the smooth black dildo slipped into the glistening flesh. Cheryl moaned.

  Pulling the dildo out the master let it drop. The wrench on the chain and the ring it was attached to made Cheryl cry out, but the note of pain changed, mid-flow, to a much more melodious moan as the master gripped her hips and sunk his cock deep into the recesses of her cunt.

  Holding himself in that position without pulling out again, he nodded to the other catsuited woman, who immediately slapped the whip down on the redhead's right breast, again aiming at her nipple. The girl yelped.

  'Squeeze it,' the master ordered, slapping Cheryl's buttock. He moaned softly as she clearly obeyed.

  Thwack! The whip landed again on the redhead's right breast.

  The master had his back to the camera, but was clearly staring right at the girl. Whether at a signal from him or not, the woman changed her aim and brought the next stroke down on the inside of the redhead's thigh. The girl whimpered loudly, trying to twist to the side to protect herself.

  Thwack! The next stroke landed against the delicate inner flesh of her labia.

  Kim felt her own sex pulse as if in reaction. Her nipples were already stone hard. Her emotions at this spectacle were confused. She was undoubtedly attracted to the women, particularly to Cheryl, her large voluptuous body so lewdly exposed.

  But if she were honest with herself it was more than that. She couldn't help imagining what it would be like to be tied there, like the redhead, completely helpless and vulnerable as she had been in Candy's room, and to feel the whip cutting across her body. Whipping was a punishment most of the slaves in Jake Ashley's books had to endure, and he described the emotions it generated so vividly that though Kim had never experienced it, she thought she knew exactly how it would feel.

  And to be made to watch while her master used another woman in preference to her was another form of torture Ashley frequently invoked. Kim could see how much the redhead wanted the master, and how the whipping had only increased that desire. It was a lesson in frustration and, as Candy had said last night, frustration was the essence of Jake Ashley's work. Frustration and relief. Pain and pleasure.

  On screen the camera angle changed again. There was another camera positioned to get a sideways shot of the master. He was beginning to pump into Cheryl's sex, his fingers gripping her hips more tightly. The redhead yelped twice in quick succession as the leather loop of the whip was flicked against her pussy. Suddenly the master's body went rigid, his sinewy muscles locked. He pulled himself out of Cheryl's body, his big cock glistening wet, and pushed it against her buttocks.

  His phallus spasmed twice in quick succession, then an arc of spunk jetted into the air, spattering all over the back of the leather catsuit.

  'The come shot,' Candy whispered, leaning forward.

  'The - the what?' Kim was feeling hot and bothered.

  'In blue movies, it's always called the come shot. To prove the guy really got it off.'

  The audience in the club applauded as the lights went up and the screen retracted into the ceiling. The band began to play again.

  Kim looked around. Four or five of the girls were deeply involved in satisfying the lust the performance had created in their partners; two or three on their knees using their mouths, the others busy using their hands. The rest of the crowd watched with interest, occasionally urging them on.

  'Was that a blue movie then?' Kim was confused.

  'No. It was live.'

  'What do you mean, live?'

  'It's a direct feed from the back. I told you, it's to encourage the punters to go back there.'

  'Back where?'

  'See for yourself.'

  Four or five men and their partners were waiting at the door at the back of the dance floor. Kim could see the woman in the long black dress checking everyone through and getting them to sign a clipboard.

  'They're going in there to have sex?' she asked. It was certainly not like any club she'd been to in England. 'What about the health risk?'

  Candy smiled. 'That's why this club is so exclusive. There's a doctor and a lab behind that door. No one gets in before they've had blood tests.'

  'But, that takes days.'

  'They've got all the latest equipment, really sophisticated stuff. It takes about fifteen minutes.'

  'Really?' said Kim incredulously.

  'So now the question is, do you want to join in?'

  'Join in?'

  'You saw what's expected of you. It's your choice. Jake may be in there already. Or, like I say, you might be seen by one of his scouts.'

  'Can't I just stay here?' Suddenly Kim wasn't feeling too confident.

  'You could. But you're not as likely to get noticed.' Candy finished her champagne and got to her feet. 'It's your choice, sister - no pressure. But if you don't mind I'm going to get some action. That show's made me hot.' She wriggled her bottom as if trying to get more comfortable in her clothes, the crotch of the PVC body no doubt cutting into her sex. 'Well?'

  The word hung in the air.

  Kim took a deep breath.

  'Let's go,' she eventually said, the slave chains rattling as she got to her feet.

  Chapter Four

  Kim walked across the dance floor at Candy's side. The queue had gone down slightly and they reached the door in a couple of minutes. If they'd had a longer wait perhaps Kim would have changed her mind. Her pulse was racing and her heart was beating so hard she could feel it in her eardrums.

  'Hi, Candy,' the woman at the door said.

  'Hi Wanda. This is my friend, Kim. She's from England.'

  'Hi, Kim. Can you vouch for her, honey?' Wanda was looking at Kim critically like some cinema usherette trying to judge whether she was old enough to be admitted to an adult movie.

  'Sure,' Candy confirmed. 'She's really into it.'

  'Sign her in then,' Wanda said, handing Candy the clipboard.

  Candy signed, handed it back, and Wanda held the door open for them.

  They walked through into a small room, its walls lined with folding wooden chairs. At the end of the room were a metal desk and a computer screen. A chunky nurse in a white uniform sat viewing the screen.

  'Anders?' she said.

  There was one man and three other women sitting in the room. The man got up.

  'You're clear,' the nurse said. She handed him a thin metal chain, hanging from which was a filament of metal. He hung it around his neck then walked through the door behind her.

  'Name?' the nurse said curtly as Candy and Kim walked up to her.

  The medical checks did indeed take fifteen minutes, at the end of which the nurse handed them both the thin metal chains that reminded Kim of the sort of dog tags she'd seen soldiers wearing in films. They hung them around their necks and walked through the door behind the desk.

  Beyond was a dimly lit corridor, along the whole length of which, on both sides, were doors; perhaps twelve in all. To the side of each door was a small window covered with a dark blue velvet curtain. There were three men in the corridor with women at their sides, each peering through one of the windows. The men were all wearing white cotton robes while the women still had the clothes they'd worn in the bar.

  'The men change over there,' Candy said, nodding towards a door to the right of the entrance. 'The women wait to get stripped later.'

  'What do we have to do?' Kim asked, a little bewildered. She now had a real feeling of apprehension, her bravado melting away. Of course she was desperate to meet Jake Ashley, but she knew that was not the only motive for her agreeing to take this wild step into the unknown. Like Candy, she was hot. Watching the young blond master sink his throbbing phallus into Cheryl had churned her insides to jelly. She wanted sex.

  But despite her previous experiences with Candy and all the entirely new sensations
that had created, and her brush with the arcane world of bondage and domination that morning at the Velvet Tongue, she was still not sure how she would respond faced with the reality of a man wanting to whip her or do any of the other things Jake Ashley wrote about so graphically. Her pulse was still racing, but now she wasn't too sure whether it was from excitement or fear.

  'Look at this,' Candy whispered conspiratorially. She walked to the nearest little window and pulled the curtain. 'You just choose which room you want to go in. Or you can just watch.'

  Kim gazed through the glass. Beyond was a room identical to the one she'd seen on the screen in the club a few minutes before. It had the two pillars and the bed. A man was lying on his back on the black silk sheet, with a woman astride his hips, her hand grasping his erection and feeding it into her sex. She was naked apart from a pair of white leather thigh boots. Another woman with the sort of short-cropped hair Kim had seen in the Velvet Tongue, and wearing a tightly laced black leather waspie, its long suspenders supporting black stockings, was standing at the side of the bed. Her breasts were so large and pendulous that they overhung the front of the corset. As Kim watched the woman climbed onto the bed, threw one thigh over the man's shoulders and straddled his face. She cupped one of her breasts and pulled it up to her mouth, so she could suck and bite at her own nipple.

  'No Jake,' Kim observed quietly.

  'Come on.' Candy moved along to the next curtain, which had just been vacated by one of the men. Again, Kim peered through. Here, very much as in the performance they had seen earlier, a naked woman was tied between the two pillars, her body spread-eagled. But instead of being whipped a man was busy inserting two dildos into her, helped by a woman in a bright orange rubber minidress. Two other men stood watching, their erections jutting from their loins. Candy took Kim's arm and led her a little further down the corridor. Instead of gazing through one of the curtains, this time she opened a door and ushered Kim inside. The room beyond was small and dark, with a line of armchairs facing the same wall. On this wall was a large glass panel, through which yet another red room could be seen.

  'One way mirror,' Candy whispered.

  There were four other people in the room, three women and a man. The women had arranged themselves around the man, one kneeling at his feet, the other two on each arm of the armchair. It was too dark to make out exactly what they were doing, but it looked as though each of them had a hand on his erection, which had been pulled clear of his clothes, and were rubbing and stroking it enthusiastically as he watched the scene beyond the glass.

  'Candy, is that you?' the man in the armchair called, without taking his eyes from the scene before him.

  'Hey, Tony, you look like you're having a good time.'

  On the other side of the mirror a woman had been bound to one of the pillars, exactly as Kim had bound Candy last night, her hands stretched over her head, her ankles tied tightly together. Thick leather straps had been wrapped around her body and secured to the post at her shoulders, waist, the top of her thighs and her knees, making it impossible for her to move at all, the leather cutting deeply into her soft flesh. She had obviously been whipped, her neat, apple-shaped bottom marked with horizontal weals. Despite her bonds she seemed to be trying to wriggle her bum from side to side as if to fan air over them.

  There was a man on the ubiquitous black-sheeted bed, and a woman knelt at his side, taking his cock into her mouth.

  'Have you seen Jake around?' Candy asked.

  'Jesus, Candy, you still got the hots for him?'

  'Just wanted to introduce him to a friend.'

  'He was here an hour ago,' Tony said, at last looking over his shoulder at the two girls, his eyes settling on and devouring Kim. 'But he's gone now,' he added, his hedonistic thoughts clearly evident in his expression.

  Candy nudged Kim and they left the room.

  'What do we do now?' Kim asked. 'If he's left—'

  'Doesn't mean he's not watching,' Candy interrupted. 'Like I said, he's got scouts...'

  'Hi, there.' A really tall, barrel-chested man suddenly appeared in front of them. He had a craggy, weather-beaten face, dark brown curly hair, and was accompanied by a shorter man. 'Now, you're just what I'm looking for,' he added, his eyes bulging.

  'Good evening,' Candy said, her eyes registering approval as they roamed both men. They wore the white cotton robes provided by the club.

  'You two want to get it on?' he asked, his companion saying nothing, but staring intently.

  'That's why were here,' Candy said.

  'There's a free room just there,' the shorter man at last piped up, holding one of the curtains open and peering inside.

  'Sounds good to me,' Candy said, smiling broadly. She took hold of the bigger man's arm, then turned to Kim. 'Coming?'

  Kim looked at both men. Though Jake had gone she could still kid herself that she was there for purely professional reasons; if what Candy said was true, she wanted one of Jake's spies to report back that there was a new and interesting girl in town. But even without that excuse the effect of what she had witnessed so far had twisted her sexual need to new heights, and she would have found it hard to leave.

  'Y-yes,' she said, her mouth suddenly dry.

  'So, I'm Duke, and this is Tom,' the tall man said, once they were all in the small room.

  'Candy and Kim,' Candy replied.

  'Well, let's get started, ladies.'

  The room was warm and perfumed with a musky scent. What the camera had not shown on the screen was a large mirror on the left-hand wall behind which, Kim knew, the club's voyeurs would soon begin to watch the action.

  Candy had turned to Duke and wrapped her arms around him. She reached up on tiptoe to kiss him, crushing her lips to his.

  Tom took off his robe and hung it on a hook at the back of the door. To Kim's astonishment both his nipples were pierced, and he wore a silver chain between them. He also had a black leather strap around the base of his cock and under his balls. He said nothing to Kim and made no attempt to approach her.

  Duke broke the kiss. Immediately Tom moved close to him and began to untie the belt of his robe.

  'No, you get her ready,' Duke said, indicating Candy. 'You know what I want.'

  Tom nodded. Under the mirror was a white chest of drawers. He went to it and began searching for something.

  Duke took off his robe. He had a hairy body with well-developed muscles. His cock was semi-erect, its glans still covered by its foreskin. Candy unbuttoned her wrap around skirt and took it off. To Kim's surprise the gusset of the PVC body had been cut away, so her sex was exposed. The black stockings she wore had lacy hold up tops. 'So what's he going to do with me?' she asked.

  'I think I know what you want,' Duke said. 'But you,' he was looking at Kim. 'I'd guess you're the new girl on the block. Am I right?'

  Kim blushed, but nodded.

  'You know all the women here are slaves?'

  She nodded again.

  'Come here then.'

  Kim hesitated, and then walked over to him, her pulse racing again. The shadow of Jake Ashley and his books fell across the proceedings. The fantasies he had created, and which she had responded to so unequivocally, were about to come true.

  'On your knees,' Duke ordered gruffly.

  She knelt down, her eyes lowered. Without waiting to be told she grasped his now fully erect cock, and pulled back his foreskin. She licked the tip of his glans.

  'Very good,' he murmured appreciatively.

  Kim sucked the pulsing stalk deeper. She tried to swallow it all, forcing it to the back of her throat, while her fingers played with his balls. A surge of excitement ran through her, any apprehension she had felt wiped away by sheer desire. Her insides melted as she imagined how wonderful it would be to feel the hot hard rod of flesh pressing into her cunt.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Tom had lowered a nylon rope from a pulley set in the ceiling between the two pillars. On the end of it was a metal hook. He was bus
y strapping a pair of leather cuffs around Candy's wrists.

  'All right, up now,' Duke said.

  Kim allowed the cock to slip from her mouth, and rose a little unsteadily. She watched as Tom led Candy to the pillars and hooked the central link of the cuffs over the large metal hook that was hanging just above head height.

  'Now her,' Duke said.

  Tom picked up another pair of cuffs. 'Hands out in front of you,' he said. As Kim obeyed he buckled the cuffs over the silver manacles that already banded her wrists, then took her to the hook, stretching her hands up so they too were secured above her head, the two girls facing and moulded against each other. The pulley was operated by an electric motor. When Tom turned a gnarled switch on the wall, the hook began to ascend, pulling the girls' hands up with it. It stopped when they were stretched up on tiptoe. The chains from the silver manacles on Kim's wrists to the collar were short, and forced her head back.

  'Well, that's more comfortable,' Duke said. He moved behind Kim and managed to pull the halter-neck of the silver dress down under the silver collar. He unhooked the three eyes that held it in place and wriggled the front of the dress down between their bodies. 'Very nice,' he said, as the dress fell to the floor and he examined Kim's figure. She wore the flesh-coloured tights Lucinda had provided, the bottom and the whole area of the crotch and most of the belly cut away. His hand smoothed against her buttocks.

  'Do you know, Tom, I don't think this one's ever been whipped. Her arse is real smooth. Is that right, hon?'

  The incredible tension prevented Kim from saying anything, but he clearly took her silence as a yes.

  'Then we're very privileged, aren't we?' He moved around to Candy. The PVC body had a thong cut back that left most of her buttocks exposed. Duke caressed them. 'This one, on the other hand, is very experienced in that department. Tom here likes to take a beating too, don't you Tom?'