The Slaves of New York Read online

Page 8

  'If it pleases you, master,' Tom said.

  'Good answer.' Duke chuckled. 'Get me a cock strap.'

  Kim looked at the smaller man with renewed interest. She had not realised until that moment that he too was a slave. There were male slaves in Jake Ashley's books of course, but he was the first example she'd seen.

  Tom went to the chest of drawers and pulled out a small leather harness. He sunk to his knees in front of the taller man and strapped the harness around his erection. It lifted and separated his balls, and made the veins on his shaft stick out prominently.

  Duke walked around both girls, then moved behind Kim again. He ran his hand over her hips and pulled her back onto him, his cock buried in the deep cleft of her arse. Kim felt it throbbing. He forced his hands between their bodies and cupped both of Kim's large breasts. She held her breath.

  'All right,' he whispered softly in her ear. 'It's time we got you warmed up.'

  He stepped away and sat on the edge of the bed, taking his cock in his hand and wanking it gently. Kim saw him nod to Tom, who had picked a whip from the bottom drawer of the chest and was standing at her side. It had a brass pommel at the end of its braided leather handle and a long thin lash that was knotted at the very tip.

  'Give the new girl a taster,' Duke ordered.

  Before she could even ready herself Tom had raised the whip and slashed it down on her buttocks. It was as though a line of needles had been driven into her flesh; a very thin, very straight line. She heard herself scream, her whole body shuddering, the way it was stretched so taut seemingly making the pain worse, like a note played on a highly tuned string. Before she could even catch her breath the whip whistled through the air and landed again, a new stripe of intense pain searing into her an inch above the first.

  'No...' she cried, trying to wrest her bottom away from Tom's arm, pushing Candy around in her place.

  But Tom merely took one step to the side and raised his arm again, slashing the whip down with all his strength, the lash cutting diagonally across the first weal, the pain greatest where the two lines intersected.

  'No! No!' Kim screamed, struggling furiously against her bondage. But suddenly something inside her changed. The burning sensation that had set her whole bottom on fire, the countless needles of pain that were burying themselves deeper and deeper into her buttocks, making every nerve raw, seemed to transform themselves into an overwhelming sensation of pleasure, as profound as anything she had ever felt before. She realised with a shock that it was precisely the emotions Jake Ashley had ascribed in his books to a girl who was whipped for the first time.

  She gazed mistily into Candy's eyes. The blonde was staring at her, wanting to see her reaction. And she was sure she could see exactly that, as her face slowly broke into a wry smile. 'Good, isn't it?' she whispered.

  Thwack! Tom delivered another stroke. This time Kim's reaction was completely different. There was pain, searing pain, but it was pain that was on the same frequency as pleasure, and could not be distinguished from it. She found herself undulating against Candy, subtly rolling her hips so their bellies and thighs ground against each, the nylon that sheathed their legs rasping slightly. She could feel Candy's nipple ring buried between their breasts.

  'Well, look at that,' Duke enthused. 'She's a natural.'

  Tom's cock was now fully erect as well. He moved behind Candy. He raised the whip and cut it across her much less ample buttocks. Candy breathed out sharply but did not make any other sound. Kim felt her tense.

  'Did I tell you to do that?' Duke admonished sharply.

  'No, master,' Tom mumbled meekly, 'but I thought.'

  'Don't think, just do. Haven't I told you that before?'

  'Yes, master.'

  'You just wait till I get you home. Now cut the new one down.'

  Tom did as he was told immediately. He operated the switch that lowered the metal hook, released Kim from it, then wound it up again until Candy was once more stretched on tiptoe.

  'Come here,' Duke said.

  Kim walked over to the bed.

  'Turn around and bend over so I can get a closer look.'

  The whole area of Kim's buttocks had been tenderised and was throbbing strongly. Each pulse sent a direct message to her sex, some of them so powerful, like bubbles of pleasure bursting inside her, that she was having trouble not to gasp as they did so. As she bent over the skin was stretched taut and created a whole new panoply of feelings.

  'Look in the mirror,' Duke said.

  Kim looked up. With her hands still chained to the collar she could not rest them on her knees, and the position was uncomfortable. In the mirror she could see there was a cross-hatching of lines on her backside. Some of the lines were pink and others red, but there was one, the last stroke she was sure, that was a dark scarlet colour. She had forgotten that other members of the club were probably watching the spectacle of her being whipped for the first time. But the idea that there were people behind that glass seeing her like this fuelled her excitement.

  Duke caressed the plump flesh. The feeling of his palm's coolness against her superheated buttocks made Kim moan. She knew he would not only be able to see the marks on her arse but the whole slit of her sex. She was sure it was already soaking wet.

  'All right, hon, let's give the crowd in there a show.' Duke lay back on the bed, his big erection jutting up from his belly. 'Climb on board,' he said.

  Kim knelt on the bed. In the past she had always selected her lovers carefully, often waiting weeks before agreeing to go to bed with them. She'd had so few one night stands she could count them on the fingers of one hand. Even then she had at least spent most of the evening with her partner before tumbling into bed. Duke was a complete stranger. She didn't even know if Duke was his christian or surname. And yet she was prepared to straddle his body and sink down onto his hard, hot cock. That fact, the idea that this represented something she had always forbidden herself, added yet another twist to her spiral of arousal.

  The nylon of the crotchless tights grated against his hip as she positioned herself above him.

  'Tom,' Duke said.

  But Tom had already anticipated what was required and knelt on the bed beside her. With her hands still bound together by the leather cuffs and chained to her collar, there was no way she would reach down to guide Duke's cock into her vagina, but she felt Tom's hand moving between her legs. It gripped the shaft of Duke's erection and positioned it in the slit of her sex, her copious juices testimony to her extreme arousal.

  The male slave slid his master's glans forward until it knocked forcefully against Kim's clit, so forcefully it made her gasp. Then he pulled it back and inserted it into the mouth of her vagina, his head bent forward so he could see what he was doing. She felt his other hand pushing her thigh down and allowed herself to be lowered onto the waiting phallus.

  'Oh, God.' It felt wonderful. It was burning hot and steel hard. She felt the silky walls of her sex parting to admit it, and ground down until his glans was poking into the neck of her womb. For a moment she was simply overwhelmed with feeling, her sex clutching convulsively around him. She threw her head back, the slave chains rattling as her wrists were jerked upward as well.

  'Jesus you're wet, you little bitch,' Duke grunted. 'I can feel it running down my cock.'

  She could too. She spread her legs further apart and tried to grind down on him even further, her clitoris rubbing against his pubic bone.

  'Yeah, let me see it,' Duke panted.


  In the transport of ecstasy she'd experienced she hadn't noticed Tom leaving the bed. She strained her head back to see that he'd taken up a position behind Candy again, and was raising his hand to deliver another stroke.


  Candy made an odd hissing noise; air expelled through clenched teeth. Duke's cock jerked powerfully inside Kim in reaction to Candy's exclamation. Kim's sex reacted strongly too, pulsing wildly.

  'Again,' he ordered.

sp; Tom struck again. Once more the thwack of leather on flesh echoed across the room. Again Candy hissed. Again Duke's phallus jerked against the tight confines of Kim's sex and Kim felt her own reaction; her clit and her vagina both exploding with sensation. The sight of Candy's body shuddering, and the expression on her face, the particular mixture of agony and ecstasy that Kim had now experienced for herself, conspired with all the other extremes of provocation she was experiencing and Kim orgasmed, her whole body locked around the hard rod of flesh buried so deeply inside her.

  But her orgasm did not slake her desire. The moment the feelings had ebbed away she realised she wanted more.

  Duke made a sign to Tom, who immediately dropped the whip and went to the chest of drawers. Kim couldn't see what he took out as at that moment Duke took her cheeks in his hands and twisted her head around so she was looking directly into his eyes.

  'Okay, hon, you just concentrate on me now.'

  Kim felt something wet and cold touch her buttocks. It was massaged into the fistula of her anus. A finger penetrated there, the initial resistance overcome by the greasy lubrication that had been applied. The finger circled inside her, applying more unction. She could feel it rubbing against Duke's cock. She supposed it was because she was still suffering the effects of her orgasm, still not quite in touch with the world, but even then she didn't realise what they intended. It was only when she felt the finger withdraw, and Tom's weight settling immediately behind her on the bed, his cock nudging against her buttocks, that the realisation hit her.

  'No,' she cried.

  Tom reached around and caught hold of the two slave chains, one in each hand, pulling them back like the reins of a horse until her hands were forced back against her chest. He transferred both chains to one hand at the back of her neck while his other grasped his cock, directing it down to the puckered hole of her anus.

  He waited for Duke to give the word.

  'No, please...' Kim murmured. She had never been buggered before. Not only that, but she already had one pulsing cock jammed into her body. But while her mind protested her body seemed to have other ideas. As the smooth glans of Tom's cock pressed against the little ring of muscles, her clitoris delivered a pang of sensation so intense it was almost like another orgasm. Her arousal was at such a pitch that her body appeared prepared to do anything to satisfy it.

  Duke nodded. Tom pushed forward. The lubricant made the penetration effortless. For the first time in her life Kim felt a rigid cock plunging into her rear passage. She shuddered. A surge of pain coursed through her, but just like the pain from the whip, it was transformed instantaneously into an exquisite pleasure that lanced through every nerve in her body. Two cocks inside her, a voice in her head was saying. Two cocks. She could feel them both, every inch of them buried alongside each other, separated only by the thin membranes of her body.

  The first surge of feeling turned into a deep oscillating wave, troughs of sensation followed by huge vivid crests. She was coming again, she knew, but it wasn't like the quick orgasm she'd had before, but like a hundred orgasms all rolled into one, an orgasm that went on and on forever, everything they did only increasing its strength. She was aware of them moving inside her, Duke pulling back as Tom pushed forward, the two cocks grinding against each other.

  And there was still another level to come. Having climbed to what she thought was a plateau of ecstasy, her body so affected by pleasure it felt as if she were floating, she felt Duke's cock beginning to spasm in her cunt. In seconds it was spurting boiling semen into the deeper recesses of her sex, each jet creating a new erogenous zone as it spattered against the silky inner walls, this new provocation creating an even more intense response.

  And even that was not the end. Almost as soon as Duke's cock had finally ceased to twitch and jerk inside her, Tom's began to spasm just as wildly. It spat his spunk into the depths of her, where no man had ever been before, the flesh there just as sensitive as her cunt, and just as able to bring Kim yet another kick of orgasmic delight.

  She wasn't sure what happened next. One moment she was sandwiched between the two men, and the next she found herself lying on her back with Candy, naked now, stroking her face. She could feel juices leaking out of both nether orifices of her body. Her hands were being freed, both the leather cuffs and the slave chains being removed.

  And then she was in Candy's arms, kissing her passionately, the softness of a woman's body creating a whole new set of raging desires. Candy kissed and sucked her breasts and nipples, licked her belly, then nibbled the soft flesh of her thighs. Then she rolled on top of her, straddling her face as she crushed her mouth down on Kim's sex, as Kim raised her head to do the same...

  The call had come from the hotel lobby.

  'Hi, is that Kim Holbrook?'

  'It is,' she said carefully.

  'I'm Audrey Sanderson. I wonder if I could have a word with you.'

  'In what connection?' Kim asked.

  'I'm a member of the Cul D'Or. I understand you're trying to get in touch with Jake Ashley.'

  'Yes, that's true.' Kim felt her heart leap. Last night might have taken her to new heights of erotic awareness, but it had apparently been a total waste of time when it came to getting nearer to meeting the allusive author.

  'Could we talk? Can you come down to the bar?'

  'Who told you where I was staying?' Kim asked.


  'Okay,' Kim relaxed a little. 'I'll be right down. How will I recognise you?'

  'You'll recognise me,' the voice said enigmatically.

  Kim put the phone down and looked at her watch. It was three o'clock and she'd only been up for an hour, the jet lag and last night's activities serving to put her into a long and apparently dreamless sleep.

  She stripped off her robe and quickly pulled on tights and a skirt. The skirt fitted snugly and she winced, forgetting the stripes that now adorned her buttocks, the bruised flesh now a kaleidoscope of colours from deep purple to a dark blue. She shucked into a bra and a blouse and picked up her room key. The rather rundown bar of the hotel was not busy. Two men in crumpled suits sat on bar stools drinking cocktails from bell-shaped glasses, while the waiter served a drink to a smart looking women in a tailored red dress. Kim recognised her immediately. It was the woman she'd sat next to on the plane.

  'Ms Sanderson,' Kim said, extending her hand and trying to stay calm. 'Nice to see you again.'

  'Audrey, please. Can I get you a drink?'

  Kim definitely needed one. 'Martini straight up, very dry,' she said to the waiter who was hovering.

  Kim sat in the faded dark green armchair opposite the woman. 'So you actually know Jake?' she said.

  'I told you it was a long story.'

  'Why didn't you tell me?'

  'I wanted to check you out first with a friend of mine who works for Reuters in London.'

  'Are you a friend of Candy's?' She had lied to Candy about her reasons for wanting to meet Jake. She wondered if Audrey had told her the truth.

  'Not really. But I saw you together last night and called her to get your address. From what I saw Jake would be very impressed, incidentally.'

  Kim felt herself blushing. 'You were there?'

  'I was watching. A very enthusiastic performance. Like Duke said, you're a natural. Is it true you'd never been whipped before?'

  The waiter returned with the martini. He must have heard the last remark and gave her a long sideways glance. But Kim saw him shrug. It was New York, after all, he was probably telling himself as he left them.

  'No, never,' Kim answered in response to Audrey's question.

  'Jake sort of got to you, didn't he? Or was it just a performance in case he might be watching. If it was, you should get an Oscar.'

  'No, it wasn't a performance,' Kim admitted. 'How well do you know Jake?'

  'Let's just say I've known him as well as Candy.'

  'You were one of his slaves?'

  The woman nodded, then picked up her drink
and sipped it elegantly.

  'And what, you're here to warn me off because of what I do?'

  Audrey smiled. 'Oh no, not at all. As a matter of fact, quite the reverse.'

  'But I thought Jake didn't want to be found.'

  'He doesn't. But I think it's time he had a little publicity. If you're still interested, I think I know a way you can get to meet him. And quite soon. Tomorrow, in fact.'

  'Tomorrow?' Kim's professional interest was increasing.

  'There's an auction.'

  Kim remembered Lucinda asking her if she was being taken to such a thing. 'An auction?'

  'You do know there's more than one master?' Audrey asked.

  'Yes, I do.'

  'Well, they all have scouts; people who look out for likely slaves,' Audrey explained. 'And every so often the masters organise an auction. They sell off any of the slaves they want to get rid of and look at the new ones the scouts have found. I could get you into it, if you're interested.'

  'And what if Jake doesn't pick me? What if I get chosen by one of the others?'

  'I'll call Jake. I'll make sure he knows all about you. I know what he likes. By the time I've told him about last night he'll be on the look out for you.'

  Kim thought about it for a moment. It appeared that her night at the club hadn't been a waste of time after all. 'What will I have to do?' she asked guardedly.

  'Nothing you didn't do last night. You clearly don't have any inhibitions.'

  Strangely, Kim had always thought of herself as really quite inhibited when it came to sex. But all her inhibitions seemed to have been overwhelmed by lust, the images Jake Ashley had created in his books somehow burning into her sexual psyche. Last night she had allowed God knows how many strangers to watch while she had sex with two men and a woman - let alone being whipped and buggered for the first time. Even as little as two months ago at home in England just the idea would have appalled her. Now here in New York she only had to think about what had happened to start a faint pulse deep in her sex. Perhaps it was something in the air.